
building dwelling thinking across the horizon line - work II

Sílvio Salgado

Project in Stilissimo design studio, Brussels, Belgium, 2007

The Portuguese artist Sílvio Salgado created a site-specific drawing-installation for the Stilissimo’s display windows. Salgado’s drawing installation titled building dwelling thinking across the horizon line - work II consists of a hand drawn double grid, done directly on the glass panes of Stilissimo’s display windows.

Salgado’s site specific installations approach interior design and architecture as art. His work challenges the traditional notions of art’s placement: the work is about place rather than it is placed. 

The work cannot be considered apart from the location, be it museum, gallery, private apartment, open square, garden, university, or office. The transient character of Salgado’s artworks reflects the artist’s own transient existence of moving between cities, countries and continents.

Salgado is currently participating in an art exhibition titled Welcome to the kingdom of Belgium - Homage to Marcel B. which runs until 20 December 2007 at Vienna International Apartment, Rue de L’Etuve 81 A13 Stoofstraat, 1000 Brussels. 

Vienna In­ter­na­tion­al Apartment

& Vienna International Apartment Art Association

c/o Sílvio Salgado

Cra. 7A 87-81

120221 Bogotá, D.C.





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